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Our Projects

Project Name
Project Brief

Baseline study of Foundations for Health and Empowerment (F4HE) Project

The Aga Khan Rural Support Programme has entrusted us to conduct the baseline of Foudation for Health and Empowerment (F4HE) Project which is funded by Global Affairs Canada and Aga Khan Foundation Canada.

Baseline study of Foundations for Health and Empowerment (F4HE) Project

The Aga Khan Rural Support Programme has entrusted us to conduct the baseline of Foudation for Health and Empowerment (F4HE) Project which is funded by Global Affairs Canada and Aga Khan Foundation Canada.

Ongoing Projects

Image by Headway
Image by Brands&People

We are currently working on the following projects.


Baseline study of
Foundations for Health and 
Empowerment (F4HE) Project

The Aga Khan Rural Support Programme has entrusted us to conduct the baseline of Foudation for Health and Empowerment (F4HE) Project which is funded by Global Affairs Canada and Aga Khan Foundation Canada.


Item Title

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Aga Khan Rural Support Programme

Project Manager: AA Karim

Geographic Scope

Country: Pakistan

Region: Six Districts Gilgit-Baltistan Region and Chitral Khyber Pakhtunkwa


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